I haven't received my order?Updated a year ago
If your order hasn’t arrived by the estimated delivery date on your tracking number, there are a few things you can do.
- Double-check that your delivery address and details are correct by referring to your email confirmation of your order.
- Check your tracking number sent to the email associated with your order as the estimated delivery time can change if there are expected delays in your area or country.
- Check to see if you have an attempted delivery card from one of our carriers. If the tracking says delivered though there is no card left it still may be at the local post office awaiting collection. This can also be seen via your tracking number
- Look in any safe areas where the driver may have left your parcel, such as behind plant pots or bins, or in a shed, garage, or porch. It is also worth checking with family, housemates, or neighbours to see if they collected it on your behalf.
- If you live in an apartment block or it is being delivered to a shared building or office, it may be in the foyer or at reception.
If you need to make any changes to your order, Contact Us Here with the subject line 'Report an Issue', include your order number and our team will help resolve this asap for you!